Eurasian Community House
Address : 139 Ceylon Rd, Singapore 429744
Opening Timing : 0830hrs – 1800hrs
The Eurasian Community House acts as the headquarters for the Eurasian Association which is the place for Eurasians in Singapore, Citizen or Permanent Resident to seek help in times of needs. The provision of scholarships and bursaries to Eurasian students and counselling services to the Eurasian community are example of the financial and emotional support services provided at the Eurasian Community House.19
The objectives of the Eurasian Association have remained relatively constant throughout its formation in 1919 after the cessation of its predecessor, the Eurasian Literacy Association.19
The objectives of the Eurasian Association are the following:
1) To promote the economic, social, moral, physical and intellectual advancement of all Eurasian Singaporeans and Eurasian Permanent Residents.
2) To promote among the Members an active interest in the affairs of Singapore.
3) Generally, to look after the interests of all Eurasians in Singapore.19
Guided tours are also provided by the Eurasian House to educate the public on the history and heritage of the Eurasian community in Singapore. The two guided tours which will be held in the Eurasia Heritage center which cover two main themes, firstly the heritage and history of the Eurasian community in Singapore and secondly, the social life of the Eurasian community during World War 2.
Due to time constraints, we did not join a group for the guided tour but instead proceeded to explore the galleries ourselves as entry into the Eurasian Heritage Center is free. Thus, even if you are on a budget, you can still explore and learn from the galleries and exhibition in the Eurasian Heritage Center at no charge at all. Independent tour groups leaders are allowed to conduct their tours in the area but are subjected to a fee of SGD $3 per person.
For those who are interested in immersing themselves in the full Eurasian experience, you can refer to the brochure provided below for the available tour packages and prices:
Please keep in mind that the Eurasian heritage Centre will be opened from Tuesdays to Sundays, from 0900hrs to 1730hrs.
19“Our History,” Eurasian Association, accessed October 12, 2016,
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